Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 74,109    [ Give / Take ]


41 entries this month

20:19 Mar 28 2013
Times Read: 919

24 hours without the internet going back down. Yeah! Computer shop called and it seems the auto clean program I have on my laptop, had for over three years, is keeping the computer from resetting or something. They wanted permission to remove it, see if that would 'release' it.

On safe something it would sign online, but the normal run it wouldn't. Or something like that.

Said he has been working on it for over three hours, off and on, and it is the only thing he could find that 'could' be messing it up.

*cross fingers*

I can reload the program, I got one more computer I can add to the program. He said it was a good program just when the internet started messing up it seems to of locked the computer up to keep it safe.

Sounds a little wanky to me but then I am not a computer person. I can only trust they know what they are doing and as the man started and owned a database processing from the ground up for years... I think he knows a little about computers. :)



23:03 Mar 28 2013

Wewt! If it runs in safe mode, then it sounds like a program that was screwing up when connecting.

Hopefully its not something major. And if it is.. see if you can uhhh.. exchange services with a hawt tech. hah.

01:13 Mar 29 2013

Slut... I luvs ya. :) It costed $40.00 to repair, I have to reload the auto clean up/ maintance program again is all.

Going to pick it up in the morning.


02:44 Mar 28 2013
Times Read: 950

If the tech I just talked to looked as good as he sounded... Mmmm.

At least he got my internet back on, after I bitched and got to a department who seem to understand how the equipment worked. I didn't even mind helping him 'reset' a few things on the equipment they put in.

Let's see if it works... got a service call in for yet another repair *makes 4 in 7 days* if it messes up on me before 2- 4:00 pm.



05:12 Mar 28 2013

Good luck. The tech I got today sucked monkey balls. He was a bit patronizing but had no clue what he was talking about. Talking out his ass really. I'm so glad my brother in law is a major techie and will be home visiting for easter. lol I hope it works out for you though. :)

18:43 Mar 28 2013

hahaha I bet he did 'reset' a few things for you. :P

20:11 Mar 28 2013

*hand over mouth* Ooooohhhhhhh! You got me. lol


00:38 Mar 28 2013
Times Read: 1,011

Ahhhh... think I made her mad? lol :)

Rating: 1

ugly fat bitch I remember you. you are the one that cried to images because I gave you a one for doing what ever the little trolls guru and teetee say. lol owned!

And I am OWNED by words on a computer screen. Shows you have never 'owned' anyone, little girl.



00:53 Mar 28 2013

lol think I can guess who you are talking about ;)

01:00 Mar 28 2013

wait what the hell is my name doing here what you talking about

02:27 Mar 28 2013

I'm at a loss. lol no surprise there.

02:40 Mar 28 2013

Comment left on a profile of mine, by a member here who is fighting with Guru and Teetee, among other things.

03:08 Mar 29 2013

Your name is here because you associate with the same scum that is treating people like this. And the ho who left this comment on your profile is an idiot. And all she did was show just how stupid, jut like Guru and the rest of his ilk are doing everywhere they go.


20:14 Mar 27 2013
Times Read: 1,017

Took the home laptop into the shop, hope it is something small that is causing it not to log online.

In the morning we are doing a job that I haven't done before, a type of job that has police, lawyers, and repo more or less. I have only done this once with cops and a bank on a forecloser. Never wanted to do that again, Dad helping the folks with a min storge so their stuff would not be left on the street.

This one is more about going in and taking high value items to repay bills. So they are staying in the home, personal items. Just.... wish Dad was here is all. All his years of knowledge, exprience would be helpful. I just have to keep the goal in sight, know what I can and can't do, not taking any chances that is going to bite me in the ass.

And get along with the cops, lawyers, and the owners who are going to be upset anyway. Right? How hard can that be? Oh... did I tell ya we are going in blind, no idea what is going to be moved? Yeah.... this is going to be intresting.



21:27 Mar 27 2013

Call me after if you need to talk!

00:48 Mar 28 2013

At 4:45 or so this afternoon while I was at my other job- sis called to tell me it had been cancel or put off. They will call me in the morning.

Yeah! Sad we lost the work but I had a gut feeling about this one... will be busy if they try to rebook.


01:53 Mar 26 2013
Times Read: 1,037

Seems it is my laptop after all. I stop by the office and picked up my Dell and it logged right on. *sigh* All I need- more money out to fix my laptop.

And on top of that- I suck at helping my sister with medical things. Mom has a accident and she called me to help clean up the mess. All I could do was throw up, adding more mess.

Soooo not a medical person.




10:42 Mar 26 2013

Don't be hard on yourself for what is a very natural reaction. You care and that goes a very long way.


00:42 Mar 26 2013
Times Read: 1,042

Don't expect to be on much. Still got Internet issues. Or laptop is messed up. Taking it to work to see if log in on that server. Kindel logs in but laptop will not. And I dislike this keypad so I will be on when I can. Oh- wegot a little snow even today :)




00:33 Mar 25 2013
Times Read: 1,063

Just noticed the Time Spent:

Pages Viewed:


Time Spent:

289.00 days



09:13 Mar 25 2013

Signs of a wasted upbringing :-P


23:47 Mar 24 2013
Times Read: 1,071

Still got issues with the internet it seems. Not that I mind. I spent Saturday with Cat and her family. Left early to go to a few towns over to a bakery. Mmmmm... such good food. Breads, donuts, rolls.

Then back to our own town before 11:00am to go with her sister shopping. Back to her home for a great dinner of glazed ham *the girl can cook folks- no matter what she tells ya*. End the day with the movie Hobbit. :D

Today has been a lazy, lay around in the PJ's. Slept till after 11:30 am, fixed myself a good brunch of sausage I got from the slaughterhouse that is run by the same folks who do the bakery. Fresh eggs, toast from the sourdough bread I got.. MMmmmm... some great food there.

No internet, dealt with the calls and they are to be here again Monday to check it again. So that left me time to watch the two movies I had to watch. Didn't like Flight. While it was cool how he landed the plane, not what I was thinking the movie would be about. I do like how it ended tho, about the only way it could of ended really.

The other one was a B rated movie, horror. Not bad but let it run as I did my last loads of laundry and dishes.

So that leaves tonight with The Bible to watch, the Vikings. But with the storms outside, thunder and lighting, it might be I end the day in bed with a book if my cable stays true to form.

All in all- a great weekend. Kind of wanted the snow that was batted about in the weather reports as we have no work the next two days but.. oh well. Thunderstorms work for me too.



01:00 Mar 25 2013

I love simple food. Bread, cheese, some eggs and gravy. So good.

It sounds like a lovely day, warmth, good food and either movies or a book - perfection!

03:33 Mar 25 2013

Sorry I missed it. The hubby and I were in the bathroom....him more than me...but figured you would rather we did not bring it your way. :)


22:10 Mar 22 2013
Times Read: 1,099

Issues with the internet again. If I didn't get 30 more channels, the box that I love for recording shows, the live/pause, and a phone for about ten dollars less then I had been paying---

I would throw a shit fit.


Dang internet keeps going down, then back, then down. Even after they replaced the equipment today.



22:14 Mar 22 2013

Throw a shit fit anyways. Maybe they messed up your wires or something.

Threaten them bodily harm! RAAAAAAAAAAAWR!

22:20 Mar 22 2013


Ok, cutting you off the rum Bunnie. ;)

02:04 Mar 23 2013

*sits back to watch* You cut her off in that mood and it ought to be a good rat vs bunny tussle :)


17:59 Mar 22 2013
Times Read: 1,134

Seeing the word 'bullies' thrown around a lot on this site. You folks have never been bullied if you think words on the screen is it.

You can block these folks so they can never send you a message, never leave a comment in your journal or profile/port.

You can stay off the journals.

You can tell folks who message you carrying the "They said.." "He said.." that you don't want to hear it.

You care that much about a number online- then you really don't need to be online. That skin is way too thin to handle online sites, or life for that matter. VR doesn't matter that much- life does.

You are the only one who is letting anyone try and be mean or hateful to you. Block, delete, and move on with life. They will stop when you don't react. That is how these drama makers make their happy times- they get you to react.

Don't and they will get bored.

But bullies? Online? Where you control so much of the site, how you interact with them? You call them bullies? Well... you never been a fat chick with a lisp in a small town is all I can say.



18:11 Mar 22 2013

Thank you Sis!

19:36 Mar 22 2013

Indeed. A few people tried journal wars with me. At first I continued, then when I stopped, they stopped and left the site.

19:47 Mar 22 2013

Most (not all) of the members here who claim to be bullied are just looking for a hug. Brats!

20:52 Mar 22 2013

I shit you not...or picked on because of your race...till one day the bullies were the one beaten to a pulp because I snapped...oh wait we are talking about actual life experiences right? *snickers*

Damn str8 on what u said!

21:05 Mar 22 2013


Then again, same can be said for real life. For the most part.

You definitely control a lot more online than you do in real life. Sometimes you can't control the school you go to, or the neighborhood you live in, and you can't exactly block people in real life.

Online you can. You can block, not participate, or just go to another site or turn off your computer and go watch TV and all that "bullying" is gone. Most of the people complaining of bullies online are usually just as bad as the "bully".

21:12 Mar 22 2013

And that is a good point. Those who use this word, claim bullies are as bad as anyone they bitch about. So very true for most of the drama makers on this site.

21:24 Mar 22 2013


19:35 Mar 23 2013

Bones and beast hit the nail on the head. Attention seeking and control. We all know what we can do. All the fighting is nonesense.


17:40 Mar 22 2013
Times Read: 1,135

When you say "If you are asking for a donation this year, I can't help you. Sorry. Bye." why can't they just leave it be?

Why do they keep talking, even as you hang up the phone? And yes I wait for the part of "An ad is only $150.00 .." "A donation on your part will keep the kids of drugs as we send out.."

I know it is pissy to get hung up on but then...

I said no, I said bye.




13:54 Mar 22 2013
Times Read: 1,151

Freaking yes! :D



14:31 Mar 22 2013

Although it looks a bit dark for my tastes...giggle...I can NOT wait!!!!! Marking the date!!!

16:41 Mar 22 2013

So with you on that!


12:31 Mar 22 2013
Times Read: 1,160

So I went dragging and kicking into the new centry of cable, the old VCR gone.

And what happens?

The internet/phone went out about a hour after I got home, the cable soon after.


They are to be here today to check it, seems the new 'tech' equipment is not working.


I saw a old NCIS show this week - how the power went out and they had a murder. Gibbs pulls out a old film camera, a old recorder using a tape, and a notepad for the team to use. At the end when the power came back on and everyone rushed to check emails, etc, Gibbs just put the items away in a bag, and turned his own computer off.

It is not bad to want to be Gibbs in this world, I think. :)



13:17 Mar 22 2013

I find it funny how something 'new' enables us to watch something 'old'. We once held dear the memories of old T.V shows, now the only memories we will have is how good or bad our cable is!!

14:20 Mar 22 2013

Love NCIS.

Gibbs is the only man who could make Chuck Norris back down.

18:13 Mar 22 2013

Yeah, upset that they are about to cancel NCIS, Mark Harmon (Gibbs) is leaving the show - and the show won't be any good without Gibbs.

18:21 Mar 22 2013

Yeap- when he leaves the show needs to end really.

02:03 Mar 23 2013

I loved that episode it was just so very true!


18:30 Mar 21 2013
Times Read: 1,181

Anyone else watching Bates Motel on A&E? I watched it last night and have to say I LOVED IT! I can see this being up there with Dexter, the cold blooded killing.

Think Bates in todays world.

So going to enjoy this show.




18:37 Mar 21 2013

I now have it on my DVR list......I'm still witholding judgement. I know it's Bated for today, but he never had a brother. But we'll see how it rolls...

19:27 Mar 21 2013

I'll be checking it out when it hits torrent files.


13:38 Mar 21 2013
Times Read: 1,188

You know it is puppy love when you take her for a ride this morning since she hasn't been 'out' on the road for over a month..and she gave me those big sad brown eyes... window down so she can lean out *note- not all the way down, I do know how to keep a dog safe* and the temp is 23.


But she was so happy. :D




19:27 Mar 20 2013
Times Read: 1,206

Some days I remind myself way way way too much of my older sister.

In other words- I hate the whole sales crap. I could never be a used car salesman, if you understand what that means.

You want to move, I can get it done, and here is the cost.

Why can't it just be that and not the whole chatting, nicey nice crap?




09:55 Mar 21 2013

Omg, you're a people person .. lol

18:13 Mar 21 2013

You take that back! ;)


16:54 Mar 20 2013
Times Read: 1,212

Random things from today so far-

Good to see Kevin Bacon on the tube, the show renewed for another season. :) Great show- The Following.

Time Warner cable sucks. But I reworked my package and got more channels, a box, and a home phone for the same price. Birdy and Cat will be so happy now that I have a 'phone' I answer. *smerks*

Watching the sun come up this morning was wonderful. Not seen a sunrise in a while, since we haven't done a early morning jobs of late.

Justified last night was kick ass.. can't wait to see the fall out on this one, how the dust settles and who gets choked with it.


Ok- popcorn for lunch then back to some paperwork.



20:04 Mar 20 2013

About damn time - a phone again........Grins.

Yeah for more channels and a DVR box........which I did to Justified.........will watch it tonight!!


13:30 Mar 20 2013
Times Read: 1,217

Woke up early to bring in spring with a ritual. :D

Photos later of the alter.




17:44 Mar 19 2013
Times Read: 1,244

You would think, after a time, you would learn/ see no one wants to hear your shit.

Just saying...




14:16 Mar 15 2013
Times Read: 1,262

Seems the fax and the alarm are fighting for the phone line. Any time I try and use the fax in the scanner/copier machine as our old fax that stood on it's own keeps jamming the paper... I get "line busy". Going to have to look into this as we haven't gotten a fax since I plug the line into this multi office equipment. Not that it is a big deal- almost everything is email now. But still- got to send this fax out as the one sheet the scanner just turns to dots, lines, mess.

So what is a Rat to do? Since I want to send a fax, and the old machine is fine with that duty, I pull it back out. Unplug the phone line only to set the alarm off. -.- Two phones calls from the alarm company later, I learned not to to that again.

So instead I unplug the phone line and used it. Yes the phone will show busy but since this shouldn't take me but a few.... sent, unplug, and back to business. Only to have the person I sent the fax to call and say it did not come all the way, only part of the cube sheet shows. Can I refax? Sure...

So the deal of unplugging, stretch the line... and the mother fucker snapped. O.O Oh great. Now what? So being the person I am I went into my sister's office and stole her phone cord. Note to self- need to replace that one. :)

Got the form faxed, waited to make sure the machine told me it had sent.. I was in too much of hurry the last time... and done. Phone line back up, and form faxed. Yeah me!

Now I have to address the fax. The alarm company can put a cell phone/ dedicated line for the alarm and I guess that is what I will have to do. Cost me about $25.00 a month.

The old fax machine would 'share' the line but this new multi purpose machine is not in the sharing mood it seems. It takes the line and keeps it open.


I looked yesterday for a small plain fax like the one I had, but they are few. And the one I have? Found out it had a recall on it from HP due to fire hazard. Heck, it has been a great machine and the only reason I can't deal with it is the paper jam when it tries to print.

But that didn't keep me from asking for my rebate. Of course they only give you credit and you have to replace it with another HP fax. Which they don't have a plain one anymore. Grrrr...

lol= you should of seen my face when that phone line snapped. :D

I was like...eyes wide, mouth open in a perfect O. I even looked around to see if anyone saw me do it, which is silly since I am alone. ;)




23:31 Mar 14 2013
Times Read: 1,273

Got a call from one of the guy- he has the stomach illness that is going around. But he did find someone to fill in for him so that was nice.

So safe to say I was awake early this morning. So off to work, got some paperwork done, started on my estimate before I started the truck to let it warm up.

Off they went, leaving me in the office on call if they needed anything. Finished my work and by then my sister came down to do the payroll taxes. We worked a little together on some paperwork and ate lunch together. :) That was nice. Forget how much I miss working with her.

Then the crew got back in, she went home, I went shopping for the family to three places that took close to two hours. That means I got back to her home around 4:30. I went in and helped put the food up, cleaned her kitchen a little, vac and cleaned the bathroom as she/ mom/ and my brother had caught the cold I had a few weeks ago. She just didn't feel up to doing the housework and taking care of the two sick ones, as well as her own illness.

Now home to a nice dinner I cooked myself, made a cake, and now got hair color on my hair. :)

Think I might go to bed after a hot shower with the hair color. I hear the pages of a book calling me.




13:14 Mar 14 2013
Times Read: 1,278

I don't mind the bird having its nest on my A/C unit, you can hear the cherps in the office if you stand close to the wall. :)

What I do mind is the poop it leaves on my car that parks beside it. :(

Yeah, I know. It's one of those 'glass half full or half empty' deals.




00:24 Mar 14 2013
Times Read: 1,298

I want to try monkey bread. Anyone want to share how they make this? :)

I have found some with cinnamon and cream cheese. But also cheese and garlic type.

If you make this- how do you make it?



00:49 Mar 14 2013

I've only made cinnamon with a sort of poor man's caramel topping. mmmmm... Perfect for special occasions!

10:08 Mar 14 2013

We make one every year for christmas morning. I will send you the recipe. It has butterscotch pudding mix in it and is so good !

00:26 Mar 17 2013

I'll send you my recipe as soon as I get home. It involves canned biscuits, butter, cinnamon, sugar, and a bundt pan :)


21:17 Mar 13 2013
Times Read: 1,303

As little man might be ill- it is time home for me tonight. I have so far pulled the wallpaper border down in my bathroom, just tacked up with sticky things. I need to get a scraper from the warehouse to remove the sticky things *years in a bathroom has make them not so 'easy to remove', along with drywall putty to fill in the holes.

But the old gold towel racks, soap dishes, tooth brush holders are down. Along with the fairies, photos, wreath and light fixture. Dust city... eeeggg.

I also did the guest bathroom.

Left is patching, wiping the walls down, paint the ceilings, the walls. And saving up the $30.00 bucks for the paint I want for the walls. I hope to get by with one gallon in the bathrooms, one for the kitchen. The ceiling, as they have never been painted, I haven't a clue on how bad they are going to soak up paint.

Might as well do the two loads of laundry I got piled up tonight, less I have to do Saturday. Heck- clean house tomorrow night and I might try and start on the bathrooms Saturday. Get the walls and ceiling wiped down, holes filed in so I can sand them Sunday. Might get these painted next weekend after that. :)

Ok- laundry is next.

And watching Silent Hill 2 that came in the mail today. :D




13:42 Mar 13 2013
Times Read: 1,324

You know- when you called yesterday my gut told me to stay away. But we needed the work so this morning I sent a crew of three men to the next town for the move.

And what happens?

You don’t answer your door even as my men are pounding on it as I can hear on the cell phone.

I call you on your cell phone to have no answer.

I tell my men to return to the office, it is a ghost run.

They are in my office, too windy to burn and pick up trash so… nothing else to do for the next three hours they get paid for.

When you call asking when they are going to show up.


I turn the call over to the crew boss and he tells you he had been there. Told you what the sticker on the car was *Funny as it was a vampire site*. What your yard looked like.

But you still telling me when I get back on the phone that they never showed up.

Or knocked.

Or that I never called your cell phone three times trying to get hold of you.


So then you want them to come back down and I pointed out that the time started at 8:00 am, just so we know that.

And that is when you tell me that I told you we would not be down there till after 9:00am.

Which is a freaking ass lie.

Then when you asked me to ‘split’ the difference- and I said no, I am not your mother and not my job to get your ass up for the move. You finally admit you might have been sleeping, tho you told me you had been awake since 6:00 am bullshit, you said that was fine, that you would pay the hour of time that wasn’t what I said when you booked it.

That is when I told you no- my men was not returning and I was calling off the job.

And then the screaming, threats started. “You will not cancel my move.. I will report you to the better business bureau… *cuss words*” all because you can’t wake the fuck up in the morning that you order in a mover.

Yeah… right.

Fucking cry me a river you piece of shit.



14:35 Mar 13 2013

The world owes them What? and Why? I think NOT! Such people really pester the shite out of BBB.

18:39 Mar 13 2013

Yes dabbler- they do me too. I mean I kept my part, we was there, ready to work. Can't help if he couldn't keep his part of the deal.

01:48 Mar 14 2013

I just wish a body could make them pay at least half the bill for your expenses that they caused.

21:46 Mar 19 2013

Man...some people just refuse to take responsibility for anything...even when it is blatantly clear that this person was clearly at fault.



03:29 Mar 13 2013
Times Read: 1,329



16:53 Mar 11 2013
Times Read: 1,356

I soooOOOOO want this. But at $320.00 no way am I going to get it.

From the Oz movie and Home Shopping Network. Was looking up makeup images

from the movie *which I loved* and found this feather cape

 photo timeless-by-naeem-khan-full-feather-cape-d-20130214171553073230658_001_zps1af42759.jpg

Just needs a high collar in the back to make it really 'witchy".



17:22 Mar 11 2013

HSN has feature sales on lines like this sometimes...just gotta watch for it with their show guide:)...beautiful taste:)

23:50 Mar 11 2013

I love the idea of it. When I look at it I kinda feel like there are a few things left 'undone'.

21:47 Mar 19 2013



14:55 Mar 11 2013
Times Read: 1,368

Just got a call from a bigger moving company that I did a survey for a few months back. They asked me if I remember the survey they paid me 150.00 to do and I said yes, had been a while.

Lady, who was the sales person on the international account, said the move just got completed and she wanted to call me and thank me for the great work.

Seems my survey was right on the nail- 140 lbs under the actual weight I got. And the driveway, tight turns and the directions I had given around said curves- the driver really loved and made sure to comment on it on his paperwork. "Best directions I have ever gotten from a survey. We walked into the home knowing what to expect as she listed each room items. Wish all of the survey was like this one. Nothing we didn't know about already. And I would never found my way around these backroad to get in without the survey info." was what she read to me.

Was I ever intrested to move to Ohio? - they had a agent up there that really could use a person like me that knew 'the ropes' of the business, to train or manage it. I told her No, but thanks. When I get out of this business I am out after 32 years.

"But if I could ever help you again... " she said she would make sure any estimates in the area came my way. :)

With 150.00 a pop, for two or three hours work.. I hope to see many more.




15:22 Mar 11 2013

Congratulations. I always appreciate a job well done, and evidently they do, too.

15:22 Mar 11 2013

What a great compliment!! Always good when someone takes the time to acknowledge your work, experience and knowledge.

01:47 Mar 14 2013

I bet I know which one that move was as you pointed out exactly how tough it would be for a big truck to get into that drive! Nice work sugar and I'll keep my fingers crossed on more of that work.


16:52 Mar 09 2013
Times Read: 1,402

Didn't sleep well as I had way to much on my mind that needed done. Up before 8:00 am and started it, and now just done.

*Spring decorations out

*Crafts done to make most of the said decorations :)

*Vac, dusted

*Washed a few light fixtures

*Three loads of laundry

Still to do- shower, dress and run to the neighbor hood grocery store for pop that are on sale for the family and office. Sunday is washing bedding, pull my meds up for the month, and "jack shit' nothing. lol

And over to Cat's around 2:00 or so to take Birdy out for her birthday movie and dinner. She wants to see the new Oz movie, she has always been a big fan.

We also can't wait to give her the gift. :D I will take photos, show you Sunday. And the decorations I did for my home. Pinterest has really kicked in my crafty/ cleaning/ organize inner demon. ;)

Might have a big fire tonight as Cat's brother has been trimming their trees and been bringing the branches over to the warehouse 'burn' spot. I was talking to my sister and she said she would really enjoy coming out tonight to watch it burn. I know she really just wants some time away from my mother and brother so that is the plan, if we aren't to late tonight.

Ok- rest for half a hour, shower, then might think about food as dinner is after the movie.




22:22 Mar 07 2013
Times Read: 1,431

Moonie, RedQueen, Otter and myself are my picks for the show on Sci Fi channel where they lock up 4 folks in a haunted place, all alone, for 5 days.

Couldn't ya see it? The beep button would be worn out by the time the edit was done on us. lol

"Ok- if I wasn't drinking rum, I would almost care about this shit. But since I am... COME ON OUT AND GET US!"

"OH NO YOU DIDN'T just moan at me dumb fucker- come on out!" as a shotgun is cocked.

"It is a old house damn it. It is going to freaking ass pop and crack Bitches... calm the mother fucker down!"

"Holy fuck a nun with a stun gun but... did you see THAT!"


They would have to beep half the shit we said.




23:07 Mar 07 2013

So would that make it a reality show or a comedy? Perhaps both. Sets the channel on record.

(I hate commercials) :)

23:49 Mar 07 2013


Oh we would TEAR that place up. It would be so much fun.

01:36 Mar 08 2013

Yeah, we would be like "Sleep? Who the hell needs sleep? We only have 5 days to search this place from top to bottom whore, we can sleep later." :)

04:09 Mar 08 2013

Love it!!!

19:31 Mar 11 2013

Fuckin' A I would have something to say about any ghost wanted to get at us. Think I'm scared of you ????



21:48 Mar 07 2013
Times Read: 1,436

Not went shopping in three weeks, either for me or my family.

Safe to say the 4 1/2 hours shopping trip this afternoon... worn me out. Between the drug stores, banks, fuel, four stores- my energy was gone.

I came home with three bags as I just have too much stocked up. Milk, eggs, bread, etc. is all I got. OJ replaces, and some fresh vegs. Most of my meals of late had been cereal, soups. Just didn't cook, still not in the mood too.

After I got all the stuff carried in, helped put up at Mom's, and my own home I sat down and gave up. Sis called and said she was going to KFC since she worked today herself a few hours at the office catching up on paperwork and wasn't in the mood to cook. Did I want something? I said "Oh yes please, I will pay you back."

Shame to buy food- and still be to lazy to cook.

But the energy I had today went flat after about 7 hours of work and shopping. Never enjoyed shopping anyway.




21:47 Mar 06 2013
Times Read: 1,447

Went to bed last night with cough meds at 8:30 or so, knowing I would have to be awake early to make the call about work, alarm set at 6:00 am.

Snow had us cancel the job today. So I went back to bed at 7:00 with another drink of cough meds.

And slept till after 3:30 pm.



Feel so much better. :)




21:16 Mar 05 2013
Times Read: 1,463

Reading CNN Money-

The Army has started sending out hundreds of letters to unions -- including on Feb. 28 and March 1 to the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Gunpowder, Md., as well as the Corps of Engineers in Walla Walla, Wash. -- warning that employees will be forced to stay at home without pay one day each week from April 22 through Sept. 21.

Translation: A 20% pay cut for 5 months. Employees will stay at home on either a Monday or Friday. Not everybody may get to choose their days, because supervisors have to ensure that at least half the staff is available on both days.

While I know this will hurt a lot of folks, some even on this site, it makes me think of the base we work with. When you try to explain to the transportation department why you wasn't taking on moves- and they demand to know why. "When you will work for 40% of what you are use to being paid for, doing the same job, using the same labor, insurance, packing, fuel, etc- then you can talk to me."

Wonder if I call them today how they would feel about it now? That 20% doen't look so bad now, does it? How about if they took it to less then half your pay? For always. Not just for 5 months?

Yeah- you ...and I quote one of the man "took the money all those years but now you don't want the jobs when you have to do it for less?"

Well- duh!

Wonder what his mood is now about that? So in a way... cry me a river dude, you can tighten that belt for 5 months. And if that is what they save in just five months of one day off... wonder how much they can save if they let the three folks go, since they paid billions on the new 'online' system that should of gotten rid of you. Your job is gone, why are you still there??

Anyway- just can't read about this stuff and not think of the attitute shown to us when we stop working for pennies.




14:26 Mar 05 2013
Times Read: 1,479

As I sat on the forklift watching two young men stack batteries on a pallet that I will latter wrap and ban for shipping I let my mind thinking of my father. These batteries came from cellular towers in the eastern part of our state, sites we put in. I remember when the men first pulled up in our driveway, stepping into the warehouse to talk to me and my father about a project that end up taking us 5 years to complete. If you count the remodel/ updates and some repairs to the site- it was more like 7 years. And a lot of money was made by our company.

But as I sat there this morning, seeing my past come back and greet me, I had to smile. I recall fighting with my father on getting to the sites in our trucks as he promised *which dozers pulled us up, dad behind the wheel and only a chain keeping him from crashing off the side of the road which was more a path* I also question the ability to meet the demand of space for storage, which he would say something like “If you aren’t fighting to find space in your warehouse, you aren’t making any money.” So true, the last few years has taught me that.

Dad would have been happy- he always did love when work was busy. Me? As I write this I wonder that myself. But then I am smiling a little too. The one warehouse is getting full, I have a day’s work for us to go in and put cardboard, wrap, ban and mark these pallets for shipping out to a recycle center. Seems like old times. Not that I miss the dozer trips… that would scare the shit out of me, but this part is like yhe old times.



19:10 Mar 05 2013

It's funny how the simplest things can transport us back to a moment in time that brings a smile to our face. That just happened to me this morning. It is a good feeling when that happens.


17:55 Mar 04 2013
Times Read: 1,518

How is it going?

Asked in a private message from a person I don't talk to. Like in person I would of given the polite "Fine, you?" But if this person cared, or gave a real shit how I am across the miles of internet wires and a computer screen I would of said that.

If this person had been anyone I talked to more then once or twice when he wanted something on here done, to report someone who is all about the "They are being mean to me!" shit- I would of told you I have a fucking cold and at work. Unable to do much as my head is busting, I have cough so much I can't talk but am still expected to answer the phone, and still be all nice to folks who call about the rental ... and WHAT IN THE HELL is so hard to understand about the ad that tells you 'small unit- ideal for two adults' doesn't mean you can stick yourself and your shack up twat with her five kids in it.

Good lord folks- read the fucking ad.

Grrrr... anyway. What was I talking about. *blows nose* Oh yeah-

So when someone sends me a "Hey- how are ya?" and I send back "Fine." it is best to not get shotty with me on your reply.

*Puts the sign up* Stay away from the sick Rat!

But like every other person on this planet- you just will not fucking read this.



17:58 Mar 04 2013

I read it and I hope you feel better soon. >:D

19:35 Mar 04 2013

Awww.. sicky Rattie. :(

Don't mess with the Rattie when she's sick. She'll give you rabies and laugh about it. -nod-

20:39 Mar 04 2013

*wraps Rat up with knitted everything*

There. Now you don't have to answer, and if anybody messages you, just go "fumph yumph"

I'd call, but I'm at work, you're at work, and the less you talk, the better. But I know how you are, so.....

21:46 Mar 04 2013

I read that as "I know where you are". Ahaha! ♥

Have soup. And oranges. Hell, have... Orange soup.

22:48 Mar 04 2013

*Sets down a cup of soup*

Fuck it.


15:05 Mar 04 2013
Times Read: 1,530

Found last night Walking Dead to be full of ... shocks, then a kind of "But I understand."

Like the backpack guy. Not worth picking him up, saving him. But his backpack was worth picking up after he was dead.

Would the world be like that? Part of me was kind of shocked Ricky didn't help the guy but then...

Yes, I could see it. When the backpack is worth more then a human life.

Show really brought that home with the rest of the guns, supplies. But the photo- the risk to get the photo was also something I could see happening.

I alway wonder why the core group sort of closed up ranks but you can only 'care' for so many before you are weaker. Weak as far as having to save someone everyday, keeping them safe. Weak as far as caring, fearing they are afraid, sick, or unhappy. Weak as far as your own heart break if they are killed/bitten.

A large herd? Or a few cows? kind of thing. I think I would be more of a few cow kind of person. But then, I am that way now so... zombies will not change that it seems.



15:23 Mar 04 2013

Personally, I think the world is like that now.

19:37 Mar 04 2013

It was a great show last night. The backpack scene said a lot.

14:33 Mar 05 2013

They couldn't sacrifice space for the backpacker. I like how the guy they met kept saying "Clear".


23:23 Mar 03 2013
Times Read: 1,547

History Channel night. First we have The Bible, then we have The Vikings!

Ok ok... more cheering for the Vikings.




00:05 Mar 04 2013

And I'm looking forward to both!

14:15 Mar 04 2013

The Bible was ok and I will keep watching but it seemed a bit disjointed. I liked the Vikings best .:)

15:42 Mar 04 2013

With you on the Bible Birdy, and I recorded the Viking, went to bed. Will have to watch it tonight.


00:47 Mar 03 2013
Times Read: 1,559

Me and NyQuil have some sleeping time plan for tonight.

Wish all a good night.



00:06 Mar 04 2013

Oh no...you too?


16:43 Mar 02 2013
Times Read: 1,574

Annndd the hacking cough starts. :(



19:58 Mar 02 2013

*tucks in rat with a fluffy quilt, and goes to make grilled cheese and soup*

22:52 Mar 02 2013

Your comment lead me to soup, grill cheese sand. :)

23:01 Mar 02 2013

Feel better soon sugar, call me if you need anything.


18:33 Mar 01 2013
Times Read: 1,585

So I had a show time at 11:00 and 11:30am for the rental. I did show to the two, and one other one that just "stop by" as he seen the For Rent sign.

Get in my car to come back to the office- sis called to go back. Then my other sister who has an 'in' with a Dr. called me in some meds as my own Dr. was "We can see you around 4:00 pm on Monday" bullshit was pissing me off. And the ER visit was more then I can afford with no insurance. And it is a cold folks- not like I am asking her to write me a freaking ass pain killers or anything.

So I am at the drive in- another call to go back to the trailer. I did, before I could leave another call to wait, one was on the way.

I did- 20 mins. I then left to go back to the office. Half way there I get the call 'they are there now'. Well fine, I will just stop at Burger King, get me a soda to take my meds with, and pee.

I got on the street when sis called back asking me where I was. "I stop to get a drink, pee. It seems I can't get away from the place and I wanted to start my meds." She told me they left as 'he' had to be at work at 1:30 and couldn't wait any longer.

Well... fuck you. I waited 20 minutes, you could of waited 10. I really really really dislike folks who are late. You just piss me off and get it started on the wrong foot. Bitching because I didn't sit there for 25 mins waiting on you- tuff shit.

So a trip to the bank, and I am back in the office for the 11:00am to 11:45am showings, that took till 1:30pm.

And folks wonder why I never make plans ahead anymore.

Sat and Sunday show times are from 2 to 3:00 pm. You don't meet those- tuff shit. Not in the mood to deal with people with special needs of "my time".



20:26 Mar 01 2013

Hope you feel better soon.

20:54 Mar 01 2013

Thank you Doe. *hugs*

23:00 Mar 02 2013

I will never understand how folks who are late can bitch if you're late getting back to meet them. Inconsiderate assholes!


14:19 Mar 01 2013
Times Read: 1,592

Called the Dr. to try and get in. I asked for meds to be sent in for me, or an apointment today. Heck, I am ready to get a shot even and I hate needles.

The lady came back on the line and said she could only as the Dr. if she will send in meds to the drug store.

Ok.... guess they are that busy that they don't have time to see me.

School in this area was cancel today due to sickness so....

Lots of folks got it. Funny as the only place I have been around sick folks is when I took my Brother to his heart Dr. on Tuesday. Wen is when I woke up with ears ringing, sore throat.

Not a fan of the Dr. offices anyway. You know they don't clean them well, the waiting rooms, the chairs.

Just hope when I went over to Cat's Wen night I didn't get anyone sick. :(

So going to rest this weekend. I got into bed and really sweated, tried to break the fever but I think it just made me sicker.

On another note- OJ leaves the nasty after burp...ewww.



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